Plaza Midwood

This is very much the place to live for Charlotte’s millennials! Many of the area’s older properties have been renovated and newer homes have been built to complement the Craftsman aesthetic of the neighbourhood. The area is walkable, and along with the neighbouring “Commonwealth” district to the south of Central Avenue offers a great selection of restaurants, bars, and stores.

Occasional opportunities still arise to buy un-renovated properties but prices reflect the popularity of the area. Many properties have had partial or full renovations and may include an additional story added to a former ranch style property. Prices for a fully renovated or new construction 2 story single family house will generally start in the $350s with prices in the $500s-$600s or even more not uncommon.

Very few homes are available in this area and most sell very quickly. If you like this area but can’t find a place then you could consider neighboring Commonwealth or Chantilly or the increasingly popular nearby Belmont or Villa Heights neighborhoods.

Plaza-Midwood Neighborhood Association

Favorite places:


With a population of 44,000 Kannapolis is a small town but very conveniently located to Charlotte and the Piedmont area.  Originally a mill town the city is now home of the NC Research Campus which was developed as an economic revitalization tool and which dominates the downtown landscape.

Kannapolis boasts its own AAA baseball team, the Intimidators as well as the NC Music Hall of Fame.

Homes in Kannapolis are cheaper than in Charlotte and in neighboring Concord and recent improvements to both I-85 and the completion of I-485 have made the city an attractive option to many seeking a more economical housing option or who enjoy the small-town feel.   You can still buy a smaller single family home for well under $100k in Kannapolis but most properties are older and there are very few townhome/condo opportunities. 

City of Kannapolis


Myers Park

Taking a drive through Myers Park is like taking a drive to another era. The wide & curving boulevards are lined with trees. Unique homes set back from the road on large lots are the norm and it’s easy to see why this is one of Charlotte’s most sought after areas.

The area was a planned ‘subdivision’ from the days before the word subdivision meant what it does today. Carved out originally in the late 19th century but more fully developed in the 1920s and 30s the area is home to several historic homes as well as Queens University.

Prices in Myers Park are high with numerous homes (including condos) selling at over $1million. Occasionally smaller condos are available in the $200s but single family homes are rarely available under the mid $400s. Homes sell fast and the market is extremely competitive so it is important to be well prepared if planning a purchase in this area.

Myers Park Homeowners Association